Bob Long Marq 6 – Paintball Gun
– Exclusive in-line poppet valve design (not a spool valve)
– Internal LPR design
– 4 Eye operation compatible. (26 bps can be acheived with 4 eyes. 4 eye system sold as an upgrade)
– No rise wedge feed
– Swivel top regulator. (fitting can be rotated to any position)
– Manifold mounted solenoid. (no hoses)
– Lightweight, 2.4 lbs w/o barrel
– More efficient than spool valve markers
– Easy maintenance internals
– Fastest marker in its class w/ dual eye upgrade.
– One button operation w/ rainbow LED
– Easy snap-in battery
– New ergonomic grip frame and trigger package
– Tournament level board; semi, 3 shot, 4 shot full auto, 4 shot ramping. (capped or uncapped)
The Bob Long Onyx comes stock with a pair of eyes but you can add
an additional pair for $50 more. These are installed at Bob Long by
professional techs. Get your quad eyes today!
Quad Eye Discription:
Bob’s 4 eye system was designed to have the eyes communicate with
one another in order to TIME the feedrate of the loader mounted on the
Marker. It times how long it takes for a ball to travel from the TOP
SET OF EYES located in the feedneck to the BOTTOM SET OF EYES located
in the base of the breech. The purpose of this is to syncronize the
Marker’s firing rate with the feedrate of the loader in order to
optimize both systems performance. Furthermore it serves to reduce ball
breaks to an absolute minimum since the system constantly monitors the
feedrate of your loader and in the event your batteries start to lose
their juice, the system will recognize it and adjust the firing rate
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