Smart Parts BlackHeart Ion Upgrade Board


It gives you complete operational control and a wider range of adjustment for ION, Impulse, Shocker or Nerve markers.

SKU: 69044 Categories: ,



The Blackheart circuit board is a full-featured tournament level, upgrade board. It gives you complete operational control and a wider range of adjustment for ION, Impulse, Shocker or Nerve markers.


1. Fire Rate (Adjustable)
2. Trigger Debounce (Adjustable)
3. Kick-In Rate for Advanced Modes (Adjustable)
4. Sustain Rate for Advanced Modes (Adjustable)
5. Shots Fired to Enter Advanced Mode (Adjustable)
6. First Shot Drop Software (Adjustable)
7. PSP Legal Mode (Adjustable)
8. NXL Legal Mode (Adjustable)
9. Millennium Legal Mode (Adjustable)
10. Three Shot Burst
11. Low Battery Indicator
12. More User-Friendly Software

Additional ION/SP-8 features:

1. New Speaker for Easier Adjustments and On/Off Activation
2. Non-Battery Draining Design
3. Nickel Plated Solenoid Components
4. New Higher Max Rate of Fire Software (20 shots/sec)

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs


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